7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving Abroad

It’s been awhile since I wrote a post that wasn’t some style of poetry, and wasn’t directed towards an audience. It’s been even longer since I wrote about my move to Australia and life abroad. Actually, it’s been ages since I wrote anything remotely raw and transparent, without the...

That One Time I Moved To Australia | A Two-Year Review

September 30, 2015. I remember the day so perfectly, and perhaps always will, for it’s the day I landed in Sydney, Australia with no return flight, no plans to leave, and really, no plan at all. My plane descended into Sydney at approximately 6am local time, and I had...

That One Time I Moved To Australia | A One-Year Review

It seems like just yesterday I was looking to my left, gazing out the plane window as I descended into the Sydney airport. I was fixated on all the yachts anchored in the water, how the Harbour Bridge looked so majestic at 6am, as the sun rose and the...

That One Time I Moved To Australia | A 75-Day Review

In 2005, I envisioned a beautiful dream. A wild, bizarre, “dream-on-girl-you-sound-like-a-crazy-person” kind of dream. I became utterly obsessed (and I mean creepily obsessed) with the country of Australia and knew I wanted to one day move down under. It started with visions of kangaroos and surfing, grew into curiosity...