Category: THOUGHTS

Finding Love

All this time I have wasted, questioning where love is, why it is not for me. All this time I have analysed my imperfections, used them to define me and concluded I was impossible to love. That I could not make anyone stay. That I was a craving but...

The Words I Shouldn’t Say (Desculpa*)

You were all that I wanted. You wanted all that I had. And you took it. With beautiful blue eyes and a feels-like-home smile, you slyly took every part of me. Selfishly. You wiped me clean and insisted on being given more. I gave you what I had –...

Dive In: Turkey Sweet Potato Lettuce Wraps

I absolutely FROTH over this recipe. Just wanted to get you guys excited. But honestly, this dish is my go-to for meal prepping, for a quick dinner, for delicious leftovers, and for any time I’m craving a lean, veggie and protein-filled meal…with a teeny bit of cheese. If you haven’t...

When You Try To Turn A Beautiful Girl Ugly

When you try to turn a beautiful girl ugly, you will only see yourself. You will forget there is a second person next to you, a second pair of eyes that see you at your highest, eyes that drop down to the floor when she realizes you see your...

Saturate Your Life With Honesty

Honesty is more than just the act of not telling a lie. Honesty is that rare gem of a personality trait that, in my opinion, is the most important to not only find in others, but also build up and ignite within yourself. Sure, it’s no good to tell...

Dive In: Basil Balsamic Cauliflower Steaks

I truly think cauliflower is the most underrated vegetable there is. It’s versatile in so many ways – rice, soup, pizza crust, and my personal favorite—steak! I always used to roast my cauliflower chopped into little pieces or sautéed in a pan, but the concept of a cauliflower steak...

Dive In: Mozzarella-Stuffed Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

So I heard TLC stands for Tender Loving Care… but how about Tender Loving CHICKEN! I have a crazy obsession with hot sauce and anything with the name “buffalo” in the title. Imagine my waterworks of joy when I discovered the ability to make buffalo chicken meatballs…and later stuffed...

Finding Solace In The Great Unknown

If I told you I find beauty in the things I don’t know, the things I can’t control – I’d be utterly lying. I have this obsession with attention to detail, planning, making schedules, following through with schedules, and executing every second of my day with flawless precision. I’m...